February 13, 2025 Ultimate News Hub

How to Make a Perfect Study Plan

Most students’ success secret is their consistent hard work and well-organised study plan. Students who score good marks in their academics follow the study plan to achieve their goals. Creating a good study plan is an integral part of the study process. It keeps students organised and helps them to keep track of what they have studied. It also allows them to distribute equal attention to all the subjects. To fetch more marks in the exam, all the subjects are crucial and need proper and equal concentration.

From early classes, students must start building a habit of creating a study plan. As the classes become higher, the syllabus increases and students have more subjects and books to study. So, it’s better to start studying in an organised and structured way, beginning with the subject wise CBSE syllabus. Learning without a proper study plan is similar to doing work without having any goals. Begin with the syllabus, then start practising sample papers, previous year papers, etc., to enhance your final exam preparation. If students have a set deadline, it will be easier to track their performance. So, here we have provided some valuable tips for making a good study plan.

5 Tips for Creating a Study Schedule

1) Identify short term and long term goals

It will be easier for students to design the study plan if they know what they want to achieve. The short term goals may include the class tests, finishing a chapter of a particular subject, study schedule for a week, etc. The long-term goals consist of the summative assessment tests and half-yearly and annual exam preparation. They must make sure how much time they have to complete short and long term goals. Depending upon it, students must create a study plan.

2) Figure out how to study each subject

Each subject needs to be studied differently. The language subjects such as English and Hindi are easy to study and do not require much time. On the other hand, subjects like maths and science need more time as they are based on concepts and require more practice. A subject like social science is moderate but equally important for scoring good marks. Students who want to take the science stream in Class 11 must focus on maths and science from CBSE Class 9. It will also help students if they plan to appear for any competitive exams.

3) Prioritise the list

As students have identified the method of studying their subjects, the next step is to select the topics from each subject and prioritise them. For example, if you are preparing for your English exam, prioritise the grammar section as it will carry more weightage. Practise comprehension, Essay Writing Topics, article writing, etc. For choosing the topics, it’s better to select those recently taught topics in the class and from tough to the easier subjects.

4) Allocate the time in the study schedule

Make a weekly study schedule. Make sure that the study schedule is not too hectic. Allocate the time needed to complete each topic of different subjects in a week. Start with the major subjects like maths and science as it requires more attention. Students must assign the timing as per their convenience, which they can follow regularly. Early mornings and night time can be effectively used if appropriately planned. Keep some time aside for playing and breaks as well.

5) Follow the study schedule religiously

Just making the study plan will not do any miracle for students. They need to follow it and be consistent with their studies. Initially, it may be challenging to pursue the study plan for a few days, but it will become a daily routine after some time. So, students must not feel disappointed in the initial days if they fail to follow the study plan.

The crucial keys to unlocking the door to success is hard work and continuous practice of sample papers, CBSE previous years’ question papers, etc. So, students must keep faith in themselves and diligently continue preparing for the exams. Their hard work will surely give fruitful results in the end. We hope students have found this article helpful in planning their studies and creating a study plan for themselves.

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